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Boiled štrukli with cheese – pockets out of homemade dough filled with fresh cheese

Here is a recipe for the well-known boiled štrukli – rich in flavour, stuffed with a mixture of fresh cheese and covered in butter-fried breadcrumbs.

When we say štrukli, we immediately think of a lightly salty, and sometimes even sugary, dish. Here is a recipe for the well-known boiled štrukli – rich in flavour, stuffed with a mixture of fresh cheese and covered in butter-fried breadcrumbs. Sprinkling a teaspoon of sugar on top will appeal to those who prefer the sweet variety. The preparation in somewhat more complex, but this special delight is worth the effort in order to learn how our grandmothers have been preparing this dish for decades.


Ingredients for 8-10 persons

For the dough:

500g white smooth flour

1 egg

50 ml of vegetable oil

2 pinches of salt

200 ml of water


For stuffing:

750 g of fresh cheese

180 g sour cream

3 eggs

2 pinches of salt


For topping:

150g butter

100g breadcrumbs


For sprinkling:

100g granulated sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon powder


Sift plain flour in a bowl. Add oil, lukewarm water, an egg and salt. Mix the ingredients with your fingers. Move the mixture to a floured worktop and knead the dough. Shape the dough into a ball, coat it with oil, place on a plate and cover with cling wrap. Leave to rest for about 30 minutes. In the meantime, put fresh cheese in a suitable bowl, add sour cream, three eggs and salt. Mix the ingredients with a cooking spoon. Roll the dough on a floured tablecloth and thinly stretch it by hand. Top the side of the dough closest to you with the cheese stuffing and roll it by using the tablecloth. Cut the dough into appropriately sized pieces using the edge of a plate and cook them in salted boiling water for about 20 minutes. In the meantime, melt butter in a heated pan over a flame, add breadcrumbs and fry until golden-brown. Set the boiled štrukli on plates and cover with the fried breadcrumbs. Optionally sprinkle with sugar and serve hot.