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Gandhi once said that the culture of a nation lives in the hearts and souls of its people. Some of them, inspired by their culture, create extraordinary works of art, admired by the entire world. The people of Zagreb are no exception. In Zagreb you can come across many works of art that are pieces of the entire nation’s soul.

Here below Sljeme you can take in all the culture through many exhibits, theatre plays, concerts and other events scattered all over Zagreb. This city supports creativity, whether it’s in prestige art institutions or small amateur organizations, and attracts many visitors longing for some innovative and different cultural events. 
The vivacity of cultural life in Zagreb acts like a magnet for international artists and performers, which makes it a regular host of many world-famous exhibitions. In this modern cultural epicentre, full of rich history, everyone will find something that will ease their heart and soul.


If you wish to understand how a nation breathes and the reasons behind its actions, take a look inside its past. Zagreb holds all the important memories from Croatia’s past close to its heart. Here you can learn about the nation’s art, sports, former way of life and famous public figures.

Galleries and Art collections

Zagreb was and remains the city that embraces painters, sculpturers, architects, authors and artists in general. It is here that they look for their inspiration and create magnificent works of art. So it is no wonder then that their muse will embrace everyone who loves or creates art and offer them the works of renowned artists, both local and foreign.

Concert halls

A lot has changed since the opening of the first concert hall in Zagreb in 1876, the one of Croatian Music Institute. The richness of the romanticism’s orchestra compositions was replaced by rock music’s drums and guitars, small quartet plays by large stadium concerts. Still, every music style still has its devotees.

Movie theatres

Are you captivated by those black and white faces with thin eyebrows in glamorous evening gowns? Or do you prefer action-packed film spectacles in 3D? Maybe you have just had enough of fiction and wish to see a good documentary.


Zagreb has given blank pages to many authors on which they could write their stories. It has given a shelter and permanent home to artists such as Miroslav Krleža, August Šenoa, Tin Ujević, Marija Jurić Zagorka and Antun Gustav Matoš, which in turn used the ground beneath its skies as the setting of their works.


The theatre life in Zagreb makes full circle throughout the day. As the sun rises, children’s theatres awake and invite everyone from kindergarten to high school to join in for a dose of laughter as well as education. It is during these plays that a person’s love for theatre is born and continued for the rest of its life.