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Zagreb has given blank pages to many authors on which they could write their stories. It has given a shelter and permanent home to artists such as Miroslav Krleža, August Šenoa, Tin Ujević, Marija Jurić Zagorka and Antun Gustav Matoš, which in turn used the ground beneath its skies as the setting of their works.

The city beneath Sljeme has a rich history of literature and a dedicated reading audience, so it is no wonder that it holds many treasure chests filled with books. Known as Croatia’s literacy guardian, National and University Library has found its home in Zagreb, and alongside it there are numerous libraries scattered all around Zagreb, one in almost every part of the city. 
If you find yourself in Zagreb and feel the need to grab one of those magical sheets of paper, stop by the local library and take a peek inside the rich Croatian and world literature.
We advise you to familiarize yourselves with the works set in Zagreb, such as August Šenoa’s The Goldsmith’s Gold, or Marija Jurić Zagorka’s The Witch of Grich. Follow the steps of the main characters and get to know the history of famous locations. Zagreb is the perfect destination for every booklover!