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Tourism in 2021: Zagreb Awaits You

The pandemic changed many rules governing the way we live and consequently the way we travel, but what is certain is that, with changes in behaviour and the approved vaccine, tourism goes on. Zagreb awaits you!

Health security, vaccine and responsibility are definitely terms that will mark tourism in 2021. This is the case in Zagreb as well; a city which is coming back to the touristic scene with even more intensity, strength and adapted events, even though it was also hit by earthquakes last year. Many of the projects are the result of an intense cooperation of the city and its citizens, who continued with their former rituals but also added new ones in line with the current situation.

The cultural life of the city has been adapted to the current situation with equal energy. Therefore this year an eventful calendar of open-air as well as indoor events awaits the citizens and visitors of Zagreb once again. If many attractive city locations, a rich holdings of Zagreb’s museums and galleries, interesting architecture, numerous parks and an atmosphere which visitors always find appealing are added to the list, it is certain that Zagreb is about to continue its dynamic story of tourism. After all, in recent years it has made the city one of the most attractive European city break destinations.
