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Safe stay in Croatia: National Label Which Guarantees Health Security

When travelling to and staying in Zagreb, search for the national Stay Safe in Croatia label which guarantees that your hosts have done everything necessary for your health security and a pleasant stay.

International and comparable Croatian epidemiological standards, the common aim of which is to ensure health security and a pleasant stay, are complied with in Zagreb’s accommodation and catering facilities as well as in the entire tourism services supply chain. This is the guarantee provided by the national label of safety protocols in tourism and catering entitled “Safe stay in Croatia”. This is a project of the Ministry of Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Croatia which is carried out in the entire country and supported by leading professional associations and individual providers of tourism services.

The prominent label, which is used by a growing number of Zagreb’s tourist facilities to prove their adherence to the related protocols, guarantees that a tourist facility is operating according to the current recommendations of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) and the Croatian Institute of Public Health. It also confirms that professionals in tourism put visitor health and safety first and, in that way, enabled them to enjoy the provided services in a safe way.

The prescribed protocols of this Croatian project, which stirred a lot of interest and approval among business partners and visitors, encompass all stakeholders in the creation and realisation of a tourism product; from entering the country to transport, services provided by travel agencies, accommodation and catering facilities. This also refers to costal destinations and ports for nautical tourism and marinas.

After they are attributed the Safe stay label in Croatia, tourism and other facilities in Zagreb can obtain its physical form at the Visitor’s Centre at 11 Ban Josip Jelačić Square or in the Tourist Office of the Zagreb Tourist Board and use it for promotion.

The Croatian National Tourist Board is responsible for the promotional campaign of the project in Croatia. Its aim is to inform but also to educate by informing visitors about the protocols and epidemiological measures which require professionals in tourism to be responsible but also imply individual responsibility.

The list of facilities that have gained the right to the label will we available at the web site as well as constantly updated. Other up-to-date information and advice is also available at the site which also provides an opportunity for visitors to leave a remark on services provided. This allows everybody in the chain to constantly enrich and improve their services in line with current international health and tourism protocols.

The only prerequisite to obtain the cost-free Stay safe in Croatia label is to adhere to prescribed health protocols. Compliance with the protocols is monitored and continuously updated by the Ministry of Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, professional associations in tourism and users of the services who can write their comments and observations via web.
