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Safe Stay in Croatia National Project

Like many tourist destinations, Croatia is currently facing challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic. In order for tourists to feel safe and protected, the aim is to help them understand and familiarize them with the protocols and measures implemented at all levels of tourism activity, while at the same time allowing them to enjoy a pleasant stay in our country. To this end, the Safe Stay in Croatia project was launched at the national level.

The Safe stay in Croatia project is aimed at introducing a special designation in the Republic of Croatia, informing the tourism system about its existence, conditions and method of acquisition, and finally at branding Croatia as a safe destination.

The Safe stay in Croatia designation may be awarded to all interested stakeholders in tourism, but also to other stakeholders in the travel chain, through a simple application procedure on the website

Accommodation facilities, restaurants, bars, airlines, airports, railway stations, car rental agencies, travel agencies, tourist guides, business tourism service providers, cultural attractions such as museums and galleries, nature and national parks, health tourism service providers and other businesses listed in the protocols may apply for the designation.

Once the application has been granted, the user will receive a label in vector format, which may be used in all kinds of marketing tools according to his/her own wishes, subject to mandatory compliance with the standards of the logo. The user is further informed that the label can be collected in physical form from the competent tourist office – for the territory of the City of Zagreb, this is the Zagreb Tourist Board.

The application procedure for obtaining the Safe stay in Croatia safety designation is only possible via the website as follows:

  • On the homepage, click on „Prijavi se” (Apply).
  • This opens a form in which all offered fields must be filled out in order for the application to be valid.
  • From the drop-down menu, select the category and sub-category of the business and enter the name of the entity/legal person in the column „Ime pružatelja usluge” (Name of the service provider).
  • Then, enter the name under which the entity wants to be displayed in the search engine, that is, the name under which the entity is recognizable to the public (name of the hotel, restaurant, camp, attraction, etc.) in the column „Naziv objekta prijave” (Name of the application entity).
  • After completing the above information and before selecting the „Pošaljite svoju prijavu” (Submit your application) button, the entity must agree that the implementation of all protocols will be monitored and that it is familiar with all elements of data protection.
  • If the entity has completed all fields correctly, a thank you message will be displayed on the screen. After that, the Safe stay in Croatia team will review the application and inform the user about the outcome of the application via the registered e-mail address and add him/her to the list of Safe stay in Croatia national security designation holders. The name of the entity/service provider will be visible on the website.