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Around Zagreb - Close to the city, close to the hearth

Meet Around Zagreb, a new initiative from the tourist boards of the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County, which offers perhaps the most exciting – and undiscovered – tourism offer in Croatia today.

It's easy to be smitten by Zagreb's historic core, to enjoy the walks around the charming Upper Town or the lively Lower Town, but to truly get to know all of the city's facets you need to go beyond the limits of what is close and familiar.

A single glance is enough to see that Zagreb does not lack in greenery. In the innermost city centre, street life is interspersed by elegant parks and squares that were simply made for relaxation. Almost round the corner, we find the leafy Tuškanac Park Forest and the magnificent Maksimir Park. Nested between the mountain of Medvednica and the river Sava, Zagreb offers many possibilities to enjoy fresh air either passively or actively. In fact, you don’t even have to leave the city to do sports, go hiking, fish, golf or go cycling.

It would, however, be a mistake not to have a peek beyond the city limits at its lovely front yard. We call Zagreb County “the green ring around the city” because it surrounds Zagreb with natural beauty and numerous small places ideal for a quick escape from the city bustle. In complete contrast to the rhythm of the capital, life in mostly rural surroundings is a lot slower and in far greater harmony with nature. Spending time in pristine nature with marvellous vistas and impressive flora and fauna replenishes trip goers’ energy and broadens their horizons. Ranging from wooded mountains to river valleys and swamps, the landscape is streaked with cycling, trekking and hiking paths. Idyllic villages and holiday houses are there to show what the true meaning of countryside is. Zagreb is truly lucky to be in the surroundings one can only wish for, in the safe and peaceful oasis which fills its lungs.

Welcome to a new approach to tourism – Zagreb and Around – your safe, authentic, healthy lifestyle destination. For more details of the exceptional tourism offer of Zagreb city and county, meet the new Around Zagreb website.

